Real Estate Investment & Citizenship by Investment
Real Estate Investment
Access fresh deep insight to leverage the very best of opportunities that Global Gate Management provides. With our Real Estate Investment service, you can cut ahead of the public and get the best market value. Our Real Estate portfolio for buying and selling are in Residential, Commercial, Industrial Properties, and Vacant Lands assets, with special interest locations in Abuja, UK, Dubai, and United States of America.
Citizenship by Investment
We offer Citizenship by Property Investment Programs, and other numerous options that allow you to secure citizenship and obtain additional passports without residency obligation. The citizenship and residency solutions will allow you and your family visa free travel to over 147 to 157 countries including the UK, Schengen region, Singapore, and China.
Citizenship and Residency solution by investment are available in St kitts & Nevis, Grenada, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Antigua & Barbuda, Vanuatu, Turkey, Portugal & visas to UK, USA, Canada, Dubia. The Citizenship and Residency solution are designed for individuals and families looking to explore the benefits of global mobility, tax, wealth and investment protection, ability to plan for the future, adequate health care system and other lifestyle benefits of dual nationality. We understand the daily challenges of global citizens with increasing globalization, global geopolitical uncertainty, social and economic problems. Global Gate Management has attracted significant amounts of foreign direct investments and remarkable benefits through the global citizenship and residency programmes. Global Gate Management believes in providing a client-oriented service and will always look forward to exceed our clients’ expectations.